Interact through speech with your mobile as if it was your personal assistant. No prompts are stored or processed outside the confines of your phone.
Store, share and categorise all your pictures and videos at home.
You don’t need to rely on companies who don’t respect your privacy by selling your identity for a quick buck. Trust in me isn’t required as my code is open to the public, free to be picked apart and scrutinised.
Mobile PC [WIP]
Control your PC’s keyboard and mouse securely through your phone (Android / iOS).
Cellular Automaton [WIP]
Have you ever wondered how the simplest of things in nature turn into the most magical clumps of mass? Then here’s something for you! It’s a board with randomly filled empty cells mutating themselves each generation based on a set of ground rules.
The default setting uses rules from Conway’s game of Life. That means, for a cell to be filled it must have 2 or 3 neighbours around. If that’s not the case, said cell will be empty in the next generation.
Rudimentary Calculator
Add, subtract, multiply or divide some numbers.
It can’t do much more than that.
Link: https://gitlab.com/LazarusPit/rudimentary-calculator
Tracks Solver
Discover solutions to Tracks puzzles through this solver written in Scala adhering to the functional paradigm. It stems from a graded assignment for a module in university called “Concepts of Programming”.
Maze Solver
See how a computer program can find its way through a maze using methods that us humans can use to our advantage. The strategy it applies is Tremaux’ algorithm.
Manage confidential passwords through an intuitive website.
Caution: This is highly insecure. It’s only a quick mock-up of what is called a password manager. For actual, tried and tested password managers please consider one of the following and stay vigilant:
Bitwarden, KeePass 2, NordPass etc.